Anyone have any thoughts or experience on rear buggy springs?


YJ Enthusiast
Lifetime Supporting Member
Dec 4, 2020
Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
Anyone had any experience, or thoughts, on doing a rear buggy spring (aka 3/4 elliptical)?
Looks like a simple enough conversion, but I just don't know if it would be worth the handling trade-offs.
I could see it unloading going down very steep hills (like revolver shackles can do) and putting you ass over tea-kettle.
The issue is that a 3/4 spring setup requires links to locate the axle. At that point it would be pointless to not pull the trigger on coilovers.

The rear frame has to be removed or pulled in towards the tub to make room for it to all be packaged.
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I see, that's not quite what I was referring to.
What I was looking at just adds half a leaf spring U-bolted to the frame to become the new shackle hanger.
I read 3/4 elliptical and I was off to the races. 😂

IMO, any spring hanger should be hard mounted to the frame or bumper. More so on something driven on the street.

They do provide some additional down travel. I just hate the idea of my spring hanger being u-bolted to the frame and having to rely on said setup for everything a leaf spring hanger does.
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That's kind of my thoughts, too. I'm not looking at it seriously, just wanted some other opinions.
At least, unless their were a lot of responses saying "Man you have to do this".

I think that if I wan't more travel and a softer ride, I'll just pull a leaf out of the spring packs.
That used to be SOP on the flat-fender, and yes, they broke regularly.
They just became a service part, like brake pads, but she was SOFT!
In my experience, the best recipe for a Jeep is "Soft and squishy, no horsepower".
I've got no horsepower covered, I'm working a plan for squishy.
The Yj being new to me, I opted to just go with what they gave me. For now...
Though I know what I ultimately want, I have yet to really get to know the girl.