Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

'89 YJ new to me, have some questions

Ok I am putting my Rampage Soft Top on before the weekend. Any tips on putting it on the first time? I am already planning to set it out in the sun for a few hours and make sure I take my time and not rip anything. Anyone had any experience with this soft top in particular before?
The sun is your best bet. The hotter it is out, the easier it will go on, zip up, and button up.
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I "borrowed" this from another site (was posted years ago):

"The steering column in a Jeep YJ is called a GM Saginaw column.
They are the same column that was used in the 80's chevy products (before air bags) and in the Jeep XJ's as well as some of the 80's-90's Toyotas.
Columns will switch from tilt to non tilt, and are just plug and play. Providing that all the switches are already on the column you are switching to. As for off brand columns...i.e. chevy, Toyota, the only thing that needs changed is the flange that bolts to the firewall."

I've also read a number of posts where folks have stated that it was a 1-2 hour job to swap 'em out. I haven't done one on a Jeep, but have done other vehicles. Some are more difficult than others, to be sure. And btw, it appears that the tilt column was an option for all years of the YJ, so there's that. (y)

I can confirm that the yj steering column is basically a close version of the one they put in S10s and Blazers from the same era. Mine is an automatic, and there are differences in the shifting levers, but if your Jeep's manual, you won't have to worry about that. My yj had a ratty, wrong-colored steering wheel, so I did the Grant adaptor, and got a smaller steering wheel from not paying attention. Personally, I hate it. As Squatch said, it feels different, and (to me) not as good. If you do go that way, just that part of it can be a bit of a job. The Steering wheel adapter fought me coming off even with a puller, and there's lots of little parts in the horn setup that have to go in just right.

I don't know if you have a way to do any light fabrication work, but shortening the seat mount is another potential solution to your problem.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators