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I posted a few months ago but I now have some questions about my carb and possible oil burning issue.

My carb on my 4.2 is what I believe is a weber 32/36 with a manual choke. I am unsure on where I should set my idle speed, Idle screw, and mixture screw. I do not know if I need my jets adjusted or some other work. I have the idle screw turned all the in and my mixture screw is around 4 turns out from bottoming out. I do not know where they should be at or which instructions online I should use to guide me,

The plugs I pulled out of the jeep were very dirty when I bought it. I could not tell if it was oil or carbon fouled, but some ash was on some of them. In my pervious post I show pictures of some of the plugs. I cleaned those plugs and put under a 100 miles on them and this is what they look like now. I have just replaced the spark plugs so I will be waiting for there condition soon.

I am also having trouble figuring out how much oil I am reading off the dipstick. Sometimes I get it to read a little below the full line and sometimes way above it. I wouldn't think enough oil could have been burned off in the amount of miles I put on since I changed the oil. It hasn't gone no more than 100 miles. So any tips on accurately finding if I am low on oil and or burning it I'd appreciate it.

I also have a few electrical questions but Ill ask those after these. The Picture attached is one spark plug under 100 miles after I cleaned it. I am no longer using those plugs and I just put in new ones. Thanks for the help!!

Here is the carb I believe I have:

Here is my original post:

Here is how the engine is running now with the way I have the carb set and new plugs: [MEDIA=youtube]iFXIxoaiGLE[/MEDIA]
