4.2 losing power


New Member
May 23, 2020
usa new jersey
hi new to this forum i know this has probably come up alot but i have searched many forums and replaced many parts and still cant come up with a solution. my yj was running fine and after i parked it for 2 weeks i went to drive it again and whenever hitting the gas power goes flat and it can backfire. ive consulted many people and all have given me ideas and nothing has worked so far so im kinda on my last leg and reaching out to forums for help.

so before this stared happening i had already done plugs, cap, wires,rotor, new carb with gaskets, fuel filter and air filter

after having this issue ive replaced fuel pump, cap again , coil, new plugs again, timing advance,

also i noticed a crackling which seems like it coming from the distributer cap like it had a short almost which is why i replaced it twice

ive only had this jeep for about 4 months and im running out of ideas and was hoping someone here had some insight, anything would be greatly appreciated i have videos of the cap crackling and you can hear the motor going "flat" so if those would help i can add them here if thats possible. thank you in advance to anyone who has any direction to follow its greatly appreciated.