Pictures of my 87 Jeep solenoid plus

May 28, 2024
ClearLake /lake Tahoe Ca
I posted some pics of my 87 Jeep it's an 258 cubic t engine automatic the pics were of the wires on the soleinod plus. Please any one can help me by me when these wires. Are placed still having so much to do before I want to leave tomorrow for Sunday is my eldest sons birthday. I have to do this myself no money for gas. money for parts, I funny think I need any parts any ways. . I've got to figure out n all this and more before I leave tomorrow so if any suggestions on fixing please jump on. And leaving my Yj is not an option for another time, trust me I'd return to a pile of metal.
Thanks Lj

Still having b much


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Awww I truly appreciate your efforts for I have been stuck for some time. Of time , time t, time vto time in the summers when it gets s to be over 100 we can have fires and occasionally are called to evacuate, not like many times every year but once is enough. To make me think , well gee if I were to have v to evacuate and my baby jeep doesn't move .. ugh duh, them what ? Id have to stay tho
Also a friend of the families here few days ago, has showed up times before but the right question was not asked, i guess? Causse once he has had asked me well what have you been up to and I told him that I'm trying to get my jeep running and how. Imports important it was due me to home soon. Well he offered to he help saying no problem I'm a mechanic, electrical no problem roofing work no problem
And I'm so n h