Recent content by Mike187

  1. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    So...... I took the wiring diagram and went at it Saturday. Fortunately, I had a friend that's well versed in electrical stuff to help. Cleaned all the body grounds and battery terminals/ connections, just to play it safe. took power distribution box apart so that we could access outgoing wires...
  2. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    12 and 33. So nothing relevant.
  3. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    Am I missing something? Dorf posted quite a few suggestions as to what to check, all this does is tell me how to pull the codes, which I certainly appreciate, but which didn't answer my question... And now all the posts from Dorf are gone.... Did he take them down, or did a mod delete them or...
  4. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    I did the 3 cycle key trick, all I get from the OBD is 12 and 33... battery disconnect and A/C issue, both of which I'm reading are non-issues...
  5. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    I checked ASD relay yesterday, relay is good. If I go by the flow chart, i end up dead ending at vapor lock, fuel pump, or blockage... but fuel pump isn't getting power. If I go one lower, (fuel injection) I dead end at "single point, check throttle body, electronic multi point separate...
  6. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    What happened to the posts that were here with all the suggestions??
  7. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    Holy mackerel! That's a ton of info. Thanks for the instructions Dorf! ... I'm going to do my best to decipher all of that and do some diagnostic work I guess. I'm glad I didn't go on the hunt for a new ECM or send mine out yet. I have a friend that's quite a bit better than me at all things...
  8. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    I haven’t borrowed a reader, but I can. Will it show a code if it won’t start? No cel when it died, but light comes in when key is in and I try to start it. Goes out if I leave the key turned to “on” though.
  9. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    I haven't changed the fuel filter, but I've disconnected the fuel line from the tank side and turned key on, should run the fuel pump for a couple seconds to pressurize the system, got nothing. Turned key to start and got nothing also.... so fuel pressure is zero. Do you recall what it cost...
  10. M

    95 YJ crank, no start

    Hi folks, I have a 1995 Wrangler w a 2.5 liter Automatic. I've owned it for a couple years, did a few things when I bought it, but generally a great running car. Recently had an issue, was driving and it died, cranks but won't start. Brought it into the shop, checked a few things...
  11. M

    Hi. Another new guy.

    Hello all! New guy with a 95 YJ. Done a few things to get it going already, will be looking for advice soon, nice to meet y'all.