Lj87Yj4Us4 or simply "LJ"

When life deals you lemons learn to make lemonade. Eventually if you get a lot of lemons you learn very well how to make that lemonade and sometimes extra to make a lemon cake.
All my life as I know it I've had to fight for what was right,! My children whom I love dearly against there dad, gov. Authorities, .A judge once said "I don't care what the law says" I say..if only what I know now back then. ? You know not all adults hold the same values as you would for your child. I give God all the glory for it was he that hmy carried me through my times of a single parent raising;3 children. Then the fight for my own life watching everything go asunder as I was going down a spiriling tunnel grabbing a hold of the sides only to find they were like quick sand. How I got out I guess is when I landed in the hospital near death. I was my a car while on a bicycle. Thinking back of all that I built up for my children and I. All but loss , except my children . Which is what matters anyways. Only to drive into a shock and find myself in a place of where i was told i could get some rest after 7 ribs broken a concussion and my leg lassend I was asked to comeback to my growing up days for rest. Ha Ha don't do it! Nothing but rest. I think I worked harder here then I ever had raising.my children. This is where I learned that family is not always good to family. Sadly to say. The elements of this world I know jumped into was and it's always against me, there is summering to say about more oxygen more mites more bugs, I became the mother tree for all the living things that one doesn't see with their naked eye. I'v became a lil microbiologists without being paid. After 29 yrs living in a totally different atmosphere my body was not used to what I lunged into of what I thought maybe a couple months of rest before I return.

Little did I understand any of this would happened My brother he has been nothing or a brother to me, acuations , lies spoken , to make himself look good anymore putting me down, stealing a vehicle from Me , amongst other things, now the vehicle it turned out that it was the best thing that happens cause I ended up getting what i really wanted which was my lovely 87 YJ.
Once h policee says to me find your own friends, and I said "I'm not here to find friends bro!" I can't tell you how much loss especially loss of my time he has caused me! The only good things that I just me medication found here were our cats and when. I found my jeep and even then whatever was good or promising to me eventually it would be taken out , I can't tell you how each one of our cats at an early age died, but that we have more cats dead then alive. Mom has a lot of cats too . By accidents from cars driving up and down 60 miles an HR in a residential area yeah for sure! No consequences actions arrive here. Neighbors get to shoot at your 6 month old cat with a pellet gun and you know that you know and the police say only " Well. Did you see them do it? Never the less a vet takes out a pellet, gives meds for the pain only to find that their were only enough for two days and that's three when I brought that to the vet's attention they said oh well I'm sorry he'll be fine so on the third day you ca't has a seizure . Looks to me the card eye s are rolling around, still I hear mom saying brother says that the cats dead. Why don't you grow up and get over it! I beg to differ I said. It was cold and late but I was asked to bring the cat outside so i was not going to leave him. Alone bringing the 10 gal off propane and oxygen tank a blanket with to my tent. I certainly didn't know how this happened but the next b day being thanks giving I awoke around 7am with three huge flames inside my tent. I got it out thought quickly but surprised care I had lived out there for more then a year on my own will. To your and humid here. So such dramatic news was it the pellet gun, the seizure or the fire, to much trauma due a little guy he didn't need! That's only one how about when you find tire tracks that lead off of tbe road straight into our bush any two more inches and the vehicle would of went off into the front yard. It cost dearly another cats life. Done
On purpose I do believe so. Another fitting up on the air while sitting on our side of the street off
The street and some truck rolling his way down on our side wrong side of the street going at b least 60 I'm in the driveway half way up to cube get her and i see a ball of black and white fur flying upward i as could only hope to run fast enough to catch her fall. The sob didn't even slow down!!! Ok I've cube on long enough about only few of our kitties and those we're ones I had to bottle feed. I funny care if you like cats or not to have a problem with cat s funny take it out on ours see a pycologist!
These stories are true and I tell you these things to share of what kind of life I've had to live. These things make up a person. This is why I usually stay to myself. Like I said to my bro I'm not here to make friends.
Certainly this could not be the end of no ! The real reason I find out for my arrival here was not me at all about R and R be it was about my dad
I to help him in the clutches of our Gov. Who took his life. Not once twice two different IHSS workers who we not screened properly worked for my Dad. When I had to go report this not once was it that they asked me for any proof no but to turn it around. Him. And I. They ran with lies did what they wanted to do with a badge they shouldn't of been wearing and my dad deaf my they hand s . I was only one trying to fight for him, a battle I found myself one step behind until it be was to late. That fight i lost it I had not dad would of still been alive! Yeah I of time how evil and wrong that was happening but works. Listen Mo. Two years later the very person who had my sent away when we know me didn't have to go busted for stealing monies from the elderly during the pandemic eyra. Check it out for yourself Susan Marlowe Sheriff deputy and public guardian for adult protective services. It's no lie it's not gossip it's the hard core reality of life. Oh of Lower lake Ca. The same person
So many battles to fight. And this too is why I need to leave. I'm not staying here to watch another kitty, loss loss loss all but loss.
So I'm trying not to let that be with my YJ.

I need to get back to where I know I belong and where home us at for me.back in Lake Tahoe.
That's all Folks,I think it's enough. Blah.
Apr 29, 1965 (Age: 59)
ClearLake /lake Tahoe Ca
What year is your Wrangler?
What model is your Wrangler?
What engine is in your Wrangler?
258 cubic ft
Does your Wrangler have an automatic or manual transmission?
What mods do you have?
Repairing the top
A new carburetor
I on a fuel filter

