Recent content by CostaRicaYJ

  1. CostaRicaYJ

    Evap system workaround help

    Hello, on my 89 yj 2.5L the evap canister has been removed and I have some high idle issues (1500rpm) I have traced the lines as per attached photo. I have several lines plugged off and a few just open to atmosphere and the pcv line is sucking air like crazy if I plug it with my finger the...
  2. CostaRicaYJ

    Engine identification help!

    Ive got an 1989 new to me YJ, has trouble starting sometimes, runs fine once it starts and doesn’t always give me starting problems. I want to clean up the TB to see if it helps but I need to order a gasket to reassemble. My intake looks to be fuel injected and shows an “XJ” stamp in the intake...