Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Where do you like to ride?


YJ Enthusiast
Supporting Member
Oct 2, 2020
Stick Red, Louisiana
Hello everybody,

I am curious to know where your favorite location or locations to ride and where would you like to to take your YJ to that you haven't been before?

I don't really know anyone near me to ride with and I read and heard not to go out out by yourself. I also have yet to really trail ride.I joined two different Jeep clubs near me to find some people to tag along with, they are planning on doing ORVpark in Hotsprings, Arkansas and a couple of places in Tennessee. I am looking forward to the Hot Springs trip, but it won't be until the Summer. I would like to one day get comfortable to take my Jeep to Moab or check out some trail in Colorado.
I've always wanted to go to Moab too, or do the Hammers in Cali.
But Tierra Del Sol and the Rubicon are also on my list.
Of course all those are bit distant for you and as I live in AZ, not so much...
Hello everybody,

I am curious to know where your favorite location or locations to ride and where would you like to to take your YJ to that you haven't been before?

I don't really know anyone near me to ride with and I read and heard not to go out out by yourself. I also have yet to really trail ride.I joined two different Jeep clubs near me to find some people to tag along with, they are planning on doing ORVpark in Hotsprings, Arkansas and a couple of places in Tennessee. I am looking forward to the Hot Springs trip, but it won't be until the Summer. I would like to one day get comfortable to take my Jeep to Moab or check out some trail in Colorado.
Coppinger Cove TN is right up your alley.
I've always wanted to go to Moab too, or do the Hammers in Cali.
But Tierra Del Sol and the Rubicon are also on my list.
Of course all those are bit distant for you and as I live in AZ, not so much...
One day lol. I am hoping to do more vacations on that side of the states and bring the Jeep along. I never been much further West than Houston, TX.
Never wheeled outside AZ, but I live just a couple miles away from Table Mesa rd.
So I have trips like Anaconda, the Terminators and some other notorious trails literally in my backyard.
Though I'm not really looking to wheel this one quite that rough, there are still great trail rides with spectacular vistas!
This makes me jealous of all of y'all who live out west. Most of the "trails" here on the east coast are parks. Driving over obsticals for the sake of it can be fun, but being able to get out and explore is more my speed.

Posey's Trail: The old route through Comb Ridge before the highway - YouTube
This makes me jealous of all of y'all who live out west. Most of the "trails" here on the east coast are parks. Driving over obsticals for the sake of it can be fun, but being able to get out and explore is more my speed.

Posey's Trail: The old route through Comb Ridge before the highway - YouTube
I drive aimlessly on back roads near me just to get the edge off. Sometimes I am lucky to find an area cleared out for future subdivisions I can play around in that no one can see me from the road.

I will make it to the West someday to enjoy some of the sights.
I’m lucky, where I live in SoCal there are plenty of places to wheel around me. Mountain trails, rocks, desert sand but no mud around here. Tiera del sol is 2 hours away from me Hammers is just over an hour. We have the Glamis sand dunes, Ocotillo and Anza Burrego less than 3.5 hour drive. I also run down in San Felipe Mx once a year. Makes up for the other crap I have to put up living here in Ca.

I wheel in the local mountains solo all the time. I just let my wife know I’m going and when I expect to return. No more dangerous than driving on local freeways solo.
OP needs to put some hours in and build up some confidence in his abilities. We all started from nothing. I find that you meet the nicest people on the trail.
I’m lucky, where I live in SoCal there are plenty of places to wheel around me. Mountain trails, rocks, desert sand but no mud around here. Tiera del sol is 2 hours away from me Hammers is just over an hour. We have the Glamis sand dunes, Ocotillo and Anza Burrego less than 3.5 hour drive. I also run down in San Felipe Mx once a year. Makes up for the other crap I have to put up living here in Ca.

I wheel in the local mountains solo all the time. I just let my wife know I’m going and when I expect to return. No more dangerous than driving on local freeways solo.
OP needs to put some hours in and build up some confidence in his abilities. We all started from nothing. I find that you meet the nicest people on the trail.
I know it's a "No-No" but I run solo all the time, it's all about trusting your rig.
Fluffy and I aren't there yet. On the other hand, my flat-fender was as trusty as an old hound dog.
If I didn't go out alone, I never would!
But I always let someone know where I'm going, if it's more than walking distance.
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I flat tow mine. Transfer Case in neutral transmission in 5th or if you have a front locker or want to be extra safe disconnect the front and back driveshafts from the differentials and tie them up with giant zip ties. Steering wheel unlocked in both cases. My front shackles mount my tow bar.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators