Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

WTB: 1990 Jeep Family Bar

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New Member
Jun 12, 2020
Dallas, TX
New Member here!

I just bought my first Jeep yesterday and I'm looking for a family bar to put in it. I wanted to check to see if anyone had one available that will bolt into my 1990 YJ?

Thanks in advance,
Yeah, that was the first place I checked. I found a lot of padding, but that was it. I did find one in up state New York but it was damaged. I'm hopeful I'll eventually find one :)
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That's about my luck, they had one and sold it on Friday :(

Thank you for the suggestion. I will keep looking!
Damn, that sucks! They get stuff in all the time, so it's worth checking back somewhat frequently with them.
That's doable, but I'm sure if it would be practical. The thing is not heavy; I'd say 70lbs or so. But if I put it on a crate it would be about 52" square. I might be able to get that down a bit depending on how I strapped it down. I think I could get it to a place where I could load it on the truck with a forklift, but you'd have to have someplace to receive it that could do the same. For the amount of trouble and expense, there's got to be one closer. I bet it would also be cheaper to find a local fab shop to mod your sport cage.
I’m sure you’re right. I’m going to a fab shop on Thursday. I got a quote of $1500 over the phone from the first fab shop I called. Hopefully this one will be cheaper.
Heh. Yeah, a commercial fab shop might not even have the tubing bender they'd need. What I'd do is look up a Facebook page called "Built Not Bought 4x4 Fabrication Off-Road Community". There's guys all over the country building rock crawlers in their shops. Some of them do amazing work, and a job like yours would be a fun little diversion them.

This kit wouldn't be hard to modify to fit the yj:
That's doable, but I'm sure if it would be practical. The thing is not heavy; I'd say 70lbs or so. But if I put it on a crate it would be about 52" square. I might be able to get that down a bit depending on how I strapped it down. I think I could get it to a place where I could load it on the truck with a forklift, but you'd have to have someplace to receive it that could do the same. For the amount of trouble and expense, there's got to be one closer. I bet it would also be cheaper to find a local fab shop to mod your sport cage.
Could I get some pictures of the roll cage? I still haven't found a roll cage closer and I think I can get someone to pickup at your door to my door with a lift gate.
I'm asking $250
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters